/ Getting physical plot of a Plottable NFT

Important: plot requests will be resumed on August 2025

I am currently traveling in Asia 🫶

Request your physical plot from @greweb

1NFT ownership: Make sure you own the digital Plottable NFT
2Physical cost: Send from the same address owning the Plottable NFT
80 tz to greweb.teztz1cgQAQfECg5bPASYTMyJ9QJQjSUi8rfL67
1 Greweb Plot Request Token to greweb.teztz1cgQAQfECg5bPASYTMyJ9QJQjSUi8rfL67

(international shipping included, no VAT or customs fees)

3Provide the shipping address and proof of transaction:

Fill this Google Form

Feel free to get in touch: greweb (at) / @greweb.

@greweb physically plot on demand and deliver signed plots worldwide to "plottable NFT" digital collectors.

In this paradigm, the digital NFT is decoupled from their possible physical counterpart. While the NFT live on its own form, owning it gives you the power to claim here a physical counterpart (even obtained on second market). A physical price (in digital currency) is asked to cover physical plotting and delivery cost. Price is set on this page and may evolve in future (but it is the same for all NFTs) A physical plot can be produced multiple times but every re-plot are unique due to this analog process.