Parametric functions are classical entities that i've explored many times (from first day!)...
- classical forms: plot#001, plot#003, plot#007, plot#013, plot#038, plot#096, plot#096,...
- ... in more funky forms: plot#071, plot#073, plot#080, plot#082, plot#084, plot#087, plot#095, plot#090, plot#097,...
This is however the first time I think about stacking parametic functions: It might not be very perceptible but it is basically 150 parametric functions projected on different scales. The idea comes a bit from the "Planet holes" idea (plot#100), circles with different radius.
I might not have taken the best parametric for this plot but it's still fun. Indeed, the pen digged a bit too much in the paper and I might try again with other parametric functions in future.
The ink used is "Bloody Brexit" by Diamine, like on plot#109, which produces interesting reflection in combination with a good paper (A4 Canson 250g/mm Bristol) and lamp.